Congregational Care
We all experience seasons of challenge, difficulty, grief, or change. Whatever your circumstance, Los Altos United Church of Christ offers resources that provide care for the LAUCC family and community.
We welcome all who are interested in beginning a life of faith and being welcomed to the Christian community, including infants, children, youth and adults. To schedule a baptism, please contact the pastor at at (562) 596-6718 or email to make arrangements.
Newcomers are encouraged to meet for coffee and light refreshments after Sunday worship services in the courtyard. We hope that you will take this opportunity to let us get to know you better and for you to connect with us.
Funeral/Memorial Services
If you would like to make arrangements for a funeral or memorial service at Los Altos UCC or at a gravesite, please contact the church office at (562) 596-6718 or email
We also welcome you to meet with the pastor to make your personal funeral/memorial plans in advance.
Greeters welcome everyone who attends church as they walk in the door. We hope that you feel the extravagant welcome to all that we strive to extend to anyone who would like to visit or join our church community.
Pastoral Counseling
Pastoral care is important to us, and we need your help to know when you need us. Please contact the church office by calling (562) 596-6718 or email
Here are some examples of when you might want to contact the pastor:
- When someone in your family is near death, call immediately. We want to provide spiritual support as your loved one approaches death.
- We want to be with you and your family, day or night, in the midst of your grief.
- When someone in your family is ill and has been hospitalized or is going to have surgery, call the church office. We’d like to visit and offer healing prayers.
- When you are having a crisis of faith, call and make an appointment to come and sit down for a conversation with the pastor.
- When you lose a job, or experience the death of a friend, or any significant loss.
- When a child is born. We’d like the opportunity to bless both parents and child.
- When something wonderful is happening in your life, please share with us. We want to be with you in the best of times, too.
Prayer List
If you would like to lift up a prayer, please contact Pastor Kyle or the office so we can add your concern or celebration to the prayer list. These names will appear in the weekly email as well as on a detailed “prayer bulletin” printed each week. Members and friends of the whole congregation are invited to pray for members, family or friends throughout the week.
Recovery Programs
Los Altos UCC hosts 12-step addiction recovery meetings at the church every day of the week, including Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Cocaine Anonymous (CA). See Recovery Programs for meeting dates and times.