June 7, 2024

Greetings LAUCC Friends,

Blessings for a safe and full summer as plans begin to take shape!

As everyone travels and enjoys these warmer days, I thought it would be fun to share what we’re all reading. Here’s what’s on my list for the summer so far:

– “Using My Voice: A Journey of Progressive Christianity and Social Activism” by Betsy Greensmith Dole

– “Beautiful and Terrible Things” by Amy Butler

– “Red Letter Christianity” by Shane Claiborne and Tony Campolo

What are you reading this summer? What articles, essays, short stories, histories, novels are you reading? What are you learning about? Any new insights, perspectives, joys or fantastical journeys of epic proportions are taking over your imagination and your mind’s eye?

What are you recommending to others? What are you not recommending? What might be worth a second glance?

I’m curious to hear!

With Christ’s Peace,

Pastor Kyle

May 31, 2024

Greetings LAUCC Friends,

For those who may not know – Conference Annual Gathering, happening June 7-8, 2024 is a time for our geographic region of the UCC to gather, worship together, vote on the business of the larger church, recognize leaders, hear engaging and challenging keynotes, attend workshops on a variety of topics and discern where our future together as a conference is going.

This year we’ll spend some time meeting our new conference minister, The Rev. Traci Blackmon will lead a workshop, keynote and preach. There will be opportunities to learn from a variety of workshops, as well as a time to learn about the deep historical, religious and geopolitical conflict in the Middle East, namely in Israel and Palestine.

We’ll also hear about and vote on the Resolution of Witness calling on the Southern California-Nevada Conference to affirm an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza.

What’s also happening through the conference are a few educational opportunities ahead of conference annual gathering to learn more about the resolution as well. I encourage you to check out the email shared by the conference below.

Conference Annual Gathering is a time where we get to be church, coming together from a variety of perspectives, striving to hold one another with the same loving embrace that God has for each of us. Not unlike what we do at LAUCC.

With Christ’s Peace,

Pastor Kyle

May 24, 2024

For those who may not know – Conference Annual Gathering, happening July 7-8, 2024 is a time for our geographic region of the UCC to gather, worship together, vote on the business of the larger church, recognize leaders, hear engaging and challenging keynotes, attend workshops on a variety of topics and discern where our future together as a conference is going.

This year we’ll spend some time meeting our new conference minister, The Rev. Traci Blackmon will lead a workshop, keynote and preach. There will be opportunities to learn from a variety of workshops, as well as a time to learn about the deep historical, religious and geopolitical conflict in the Middle East, namely in Israel and Palestine.

We’ll also hear about and vote on the Resolution of Witness calling on the Southern California-Nevada Conference to affirm an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza.

What’s also happening through the conference are a few educational opportunities ahead of conference annual gathering to learn more about the resolution as well. I encourage you to check out the email shared by the conference below.

Conference Annual Gathering is a time where we get to be church, coming together from a variety of perspectives, striving to hold one another with the same loving embrace that God has for each of us. Not unlike what we do at LAUCC.

With Christ’s Peace,

Pastor Kyle

May 17, 2024

Greetings LAUCC Friends,

As we prepare for Pentecost, we reflect on what specific gifts God has given us, or gifts God is calling us to develop, nurture, grow and share.

Like learning a language, discerning our gifts takes time, it takes practice, making mistakes and learning from them. Discerning our gifts requires patience…so much patience, but once we get it. Once we figure it out and we start utilizing our God-given talents – the possibilities and creativity are overwhelming and endless.

So, what are your gifts? Do you have a knack for numbers? Are you gifted with repairing, fixing, building, electrical, mechanical, decorative skills and abilities? Do you enjoy working with youth and young people and are a teacher at heart if not in profession? Are you someone who loves just talking with people?

Do you like to sing in a low-stress environment under the leadership of a wonderful director? Do you play any instruments? Do you have any other artistic passions – in the visual arts, digital arts, spoken or written word, dramatic and theatrical arts?

These are all gifts from God that we are called to share not just in our communities but with the world. And we invite you to share your gifts, your spiritual gifts with Los Altos UCC.

This weekend, as we celebrate the birthday of the Church Universal, I invite you to reflect on what skills and talents God is inviting you to share with the Church and this church.

With Christ’s Peace,

Pastor Kyle

May 10, 2024

Greetings LAUCC Friends,

As a bit of a preview for Sunday’s sermon – we spend a little more time in the first letter to the Corinthians. We read from chapter 13 – a passage that I have read and heard at a number of weddings over the years.

The passage is about love and what love is, what the qualities of love are – patience, kindness, not arrogant or boastful. But there’s one line that’s sitting with me in a way I haven’t experienced before.

In verse 13, Paul says, “faith, hope and love abide, the greatest of these is love.”

Plainly, he’s saying that love is even greater than faith and hope.

Love is even greater than faith.

I invite you to sit with this idea, this equation really that Love > Faith.

With what’s going on in our country and our world, even your own spiritual journey, I invite you to ask yourself, reflect on and pray over this question: what does it mean that love is even greater than faith?

Pastor Kyle

May 3, 2024

Greetings LAUCC Friends,

Thank you again to Rev. Tino Cordova for sharing his inspiring message this past Sunday!

Our summer together is starting to look pretty busy, so I need your help and your ideas with a couple of things.

Book Study – to begin late May/early June

Here are a couple of titles I’m thinking about: “Jesus Before the Gospels” by Bart Ehrman and “Red Letter Christianity: Living the Words of Jesus No Matter the Cost” by Shane Claiborne and Tony Campolo.

Please let me know which of the titles sounds most interesting to you and your availability for June and July.

Beach Communion – Sundays, June 2, July 7 & August 4 @ 7am.

We will meet at Laverne and Ocean Blvd. in the parking lot and we’ll walk to the beach. You can bring a chair, or a blanket and your elements of bread and juice if you’d like. Otherwise, I will have elements available. We’ll gather for a time of prayer, reflection and communion. Please join us, and know that friends and family are always welcome.

Graduate Recognition – Sunday, June 9.

If you have a special graduate in your life, or you are a graduate, please let me know what program, school and maybe even something about future plans and we will celebrate you and your accomplishments in our weekly email as well as with a special blessing on Sunday, June 9th.

I’m looking forward to a lively book study, meaningful beach communion services and for a wonderful day of celebration coming up in June as the school year winds down. I hope, and we as Los Altos UCC hope you’ll join us for as much it as possible!

With Christ’s Peace,

Pastor Kyle

April 26, 2024

Greetings LAUCC Friends,

Between the clean-up day last Saturday, staging the sanctuary for wedding photos on Tuesday, a bowling Fun-draiser on Saturday. This has been a busy week!

A great round of applause and thank you to the incredible crew for cleaning out the trench in front of McNeil, all of the pine needles, rototilling the sand on the playground, recycling a cabinet into shelving. A lot happened! We are so grateful for the community we have here that cares so much about Los Altos.

As we look ahead, next Sunday we welcome Rev. Tino Cordova from Diamond Bar UCC into the pulpit as we celebrate PAAM Sunday. You can learn more about Rev. Cordova below.

The Ronald McDonald Walk is coming up on Saturday, May 4.

Save the Dates for the 75th Anniversary Celebration Weekend went out, so if you haven’t received yours yet, you should be soon!

On May 19, Pentecost Sunday we’re having a birthday celebration…for the Church Universal! Complete with cake, party hats, and party games.

And I’m finalizing selections for the next book study – stay tuned for more info on that soon.

With all that is going on, we hope you’ll join us!

Also, please let me know if there are any ways we can be supporting, praying for you or if you would like a call, a visit or home communion.

With Christ’s Easter Peace,

Pastor Kyle

April 19, 2024

Greetings LAUCC Friends,

Between the clean-up day last Saturday, staging the sanctuary for wedding photos on Tuesday, a bowling Fun-draiser on Saturday. This has been a busy week!

A great round of applause and thank you to the incredible crew for cleaning out the trench in front of McNeil, all of the pine needles, rototilling the sand on the playground, recycling a cabinet into shelving. A lot happened! We are so grateful for the community we have here that cares so much about Los Altos.

As we look ahead, next Sunday we welcome Rev. Tino Cordova from Diamond Bar UCC into the pulpit as we celebrate PAAM Sunday. You can learn more about Rev. Cordova below.

The Ronald McDonald Walk is coming up on Saturday, May 4.

Save the Dates for the 75th Anniversary Celebration Weekend went out, so if you haven’t received yours yet, you should be soon!

On May 19, Pentecost Sunday we’re having a birthday celebration…for the Church Universal! Complete with cake, party hats, and party games.

And I’m finalizing selections for the next book study – stay tuned for more info on that soon.

With all that is going on, we hope you’ll join us!

Also, please let me know if there are any ways we can be supporting, praying for you or if you would like a call, a visit or home communion.

With Christ’s Easter Peace,

Pastor Kyle

April 12, 2024

Greetings LAUCC Friends,

After every high holy season lately I keep saying, “it’s going to slow down a bit…” While individually, personally and spiritually, we do need to slow down, to savor those sacred pauses AND when it comes to ministry and mission, we are active, engaged and sometimes, yes, even busy. And that’s okay, because at the end of the day, it’s about loving our community, our neighbors and our world.

Here’s a few highlights of what’s been happening and what’s coming up:

The crew did an amazing job two weeks ago already taking care of some projects needing to be done – closets are being cleaned out, reorganized. Our workday tomorrow will be another opportunity to continue beautifying our campus and cleaning up the playground for the preschool.

We’re getting ready to stage the sanctuary for wedding photos to advertise our church as an open and affirming, cute, quaint, New England Chapel to celebrate life’s momentous occasions.

We’re continuing to explore possibilities for moving to solar as part of our commitments to care for creation.

We’ll be celebrating PAAM (Pacific Islander & Asian American Ministries) Sunday on April 28 with special guest preacher, Rev. Tino Cordova from Diamond Bar UCC.

We’ll begin another hybrid book/Bible study in May on Jesus. We’ll celebrate any graduates we will have as we head into the summer months. Don’t forget that game nights and potlucks are happening the last Friday of each month.

The 75th Anniversary Team is hard at work preparing for October’s celebration weekend – stay tuned for more on that soon! Not to mention we have some great opportunities for fellowship and supporting our church coming up over these next few months.

There’s so much good happening! We hope you’ll share with us in these times of fellowship and fun! And know that your friends and family are welcome as too!

Also, if there are ways that I can be praying for you, or you would like a phone call, a visit, even communion at home, please let me know. You can reach me at 562-596-6718 or via email:

With Christ’s Peace to you this Easter Season!

Pastor Kyle

April 5, 2024

Greetings LAUCC Friends,

What a wonderful Easter Celebration! Both in the rain and in the warmth of the sanctuary!

We had a rainy, chilly morning at the beach, with the joys of the seagulls hanging out, wiping my tablet off with a stole to be able to read and ultimately remembering the rain or shine – the tomb is still empty on Easter Morning.

The Sunday 10am worship was a great service with a full sanctuary! What a blessing and a joy it was to share Easter with so many in-person and online!

I offer thanks to all of our great readers and liturgists – Michael, Roberta, Kate, Jackie, Judy, Ginger, Hazel, our LAUCC Choir, to David Joseph – for his incredible musical talents, to the band – Jeremy Burgan, David Colon, Marko Sanchez, Tom Kendall Hughes and Sean Emch, Wendy for the easter eggs. It was a great Egg Hunt!

I give thanks for those who participated in the book study and the potlucks, all those who helped make this season a truly meaningful Lent.

I hope you all have been able to celebrate with family, friends and beloveds and that you will join us again on Sunday morning.

With Christ’s Easter Peace,

Pastor Kyle

March 29, 2024

Greetings LAUCC Friends,

Easter is a season of resurrection, transformation, of breathing new life into what we once thought had passed away.

Are there relationships, dynamics at work, experiences that have been weighing on us that we are looking for ways to release or grow and learn from? Are there worries about the world that we have felt powerless to do anything about – but we know we have gifts and talents that could be of use?

This weekend, we remember the time that Jesus spent in the tomb; the time his disciples waited with all of the emotions of uncertainty, confusion, grief, loss, anxiety and hope for the resurrection – I invite you to spend some time this weekend, reflecting on what in your life, in our lives has passed away and we can let go of, AND what in our lives could be needing some new life, a breath of fresh air, or transformation.

What in your life could benefit from a bit of Easter possibility and transformation?

As we reflect on these very questions – I invite you to join us:

Saturday, March 30 – 11am, bring some fresh flowers to the church and help us decorate our beautiful fresh flower cross as we prepare for Easter morning.

Sunday, March 31 – 7am, Beach Communion*** Service at Laverne and Ocean Blvd. & 10am Traditional Service with an Easter Egg Hunt for Children and Youth following worship!

***We will meet at the beach rain or shine (with the exception of thunder and lightning) and we will move our Easter Egg Hunt indoors.

Please note – we will NOT have Sunday School on Easter.

Please invite your friends and family as we gather to remember and celebrate the wonder and power of Easter resurrection and transformation!

Prayers for you and yours during this holy and sacred time,

Pastor Kyle

March 22, 2024

Greetings LAUCC Friends,

Holy Week is quickly approaching and we’re getting ready for Easter!

Here’s a look at all that’s coming up:

Sunday, March 24 – Palm Sunday Worship, please bring your palm branches from home for an all-ages processional and music shared by our LAUCC Worship Band!

Thursday, March 28 – Maundy Thursday Service @ 7pm. Join us for a reflective and contemplative service of prayer, scripture and communion.

Saturday, March 30 – 11am, bring some fresh flowers to the church and help us decorate our beautiful fresh flower cross as we prepare for Easter morning.

Sunday, March 31 – 7am, Beach Communion Service at Laverne and Ocean Blvd. & 10am Traditional Service at LAUCC with an Easter Egg Hunt for Children and Youth following worship!

Please note – we will NOT have Sunday School for Palm Sunday and Easter.

We hope you’ll join us!

Don’t forget to invite your friends and family as we gather to remember and celebrate the wonder and power of Easter resurrection and transformation!

Lenten blessings to you all in the days and weeks ahead,

Pastor Kyle

March 15, 2024

Greetings LAUCC Friends,

Holy Week is quickly approaching and we’re getting ready for Easter!

Here’s a look at all that’s coming up:

Sunday, March 24 – Palm Sunday Worship, please bring your palm branches from home for an all-ages processional and music shared by our LAUCC Worship Band!

Thursday, March 28 – Maundy Thursday Service @ 7pm. Join us for a reflective and contemplative service of prayer, scripture and communion.

Saturday, March 30 – 11am, bring some fresh flowers to the church and help us decorate our beautiful fresh flower cross as we prepare for Easter morning.

Sunday, March 31 – 7am, Beach Communion Service at Laverne and Ocean Blvd. & 10am Traditional Service with an Easter Egg Hunt for Children and Youth following worship!

We hope you’ll join us!

Don’t forget to invite your friends and family as we gather to remember and celebrate the wonder and power of Easter resurrection and transformation!

Lenten blessings to you all in the days and weeks ahead,

Pastor Kyle

March 8, 2024

Greetings LAUCC Friends,

This Sunday we welcome Devi Acharyya, the Director of Marketing and Communications for Christian Outreach in Action will be speaking and sharing with us during worship.

Our scripture will focus on the great commandments and how God seeks us not only through prayer and life’s personal journeys, but also how God seeks us through acts of love, compassion, and service.

Devi will share about the mission, ministry and work of Christian Outreach in Action during the sermon time and will be available for conversation following the service. We’ll have an opportunity to hear about how the greater Long Beach community is fulfilling Christ’s mission to “love our neighbors as ourselves.”

This will be a time for us to reflect on the ways we already love and care for others in our lives and community. I hope this will encourage us to explore some new ways we can seek God, and how God seeks us through service, yes, but most of all and ultimately through expressions of love.

May the peace of Christ be with you all this week,

Pastor Kyle

March 01, 2024

Greetings LAUCC Friends,

One of the hopes for this year is to help build stronger connections in our congregation and our community. In this newsletter, you’ll learn more about our leaders, the many of the different ways that Los Altos UCC is connecting with folks through worship and outreach and the day-to-day ministries of the church.

There are times when the ministries of facilities care, worship, outreach, administration will intersect in some pretty wonderful and powerful ways. Sunday, March 10 is one of those days. Devi Acharyya, the Director of Marketing and Communications for Christian Outreach in Action will be speaking and sharing with us during worship.

That Sunday, we will focus our scripture and our prayer on how God seeks us through acts of love, compassion, and service. Devi will share about the mission, ministry and work of Christian Outreach in Action during the sermon time and will be available for conversation following the service. We’ll have an opportunity to hear about how the greater Long Beach community is fulfilling Christ’s mission to “love our neighbors as ourselves.”

This will be a time for us to reflect on the ways we already love and care for others in our lives and community. I hope this will encourage us to explore some new ways we can seek God, and how God seeks us through service, yes, but most of all and ultimately through expressions of love.

May the peace of Christ be with you all this week,

Pastor Kyle

February 23, 2024

Greetings LAUCC Friends,

As we continue our Lenten series, “God Seeking Us, Us Seeking God” this Sunday – we learn a bit more about Simon (also known as Peter). A couple weeks ago I mentioned that Peter was a fisherman.

Peter would have spent his hours casting and hauling, counting fish, cleaning and readying the fish to eat for the day or for sale back on the shores. That is until this Jesus fellow comes along on a slow day; telling Peter to cast his nets into the deep. With a miraculous occurrence, the nets were filled and overflowing with fish.

There had to have been something about Jesus that Peter was willing to trust his wisdom and guidance, exhausted as he was – to try something new, to go out on a limb even, and experience the power of possibility. There’s something about that phrase, “when deep calls to deep”; Peter may have experienced in a much more profound and visceral way – the abundance found in the depths of the waters, and his heart.

Jesus would later call Peter to drop his nets and follow him. We acknowledge that Peter, while called a disciple and apostle by Jesus is and remains a complicated character to this day for sure – especially as Easter approaches.

And yet, there’s something about the wisdom of daily work, being open to possibility, and Jesus connecting with Peter – who he was, as he was, that allowed him and invites us to consider where Jesus might be calling to us in our lives.

Blessings to you this week,

Pastor Kyle

February 16, 2024

Greetings LAUCC Friends,

When I was about 5 or 6, I stood up as a ringbearer in my godfather’s wedding. It was a big Catholic wedding, and I was a shy kid.

You put all those pieces together and what you end up with is this memory of the story: I walked down the aisle with my eyes shut and sat down in the pews with my mom because I could not bear the thought of standing up in front of all those people.

To this day, I haven’t heard any other iterations of that story – I guess to my fault, I haven’t asked either. As a 5-year-old, I don’t know what I was afraid of. I don’t know why I was so shy – and why that experience would become a core memory other than the fact that God has a sense of humor given the calling I currently serve as a pastor.

What I relate it to though is this idea that more people are afraid of public speaking than any other thing. Why? Is it fear of making a mistake, fear of being wrong, of finding out there’s knowledge, awarenesses, sensitivities that we didn’t know we didn’t have?

I think there’s also this fear of being seen and acknowledged. As we move into Lent and as the sanctuary changes shape – it can be overwhelming for some, for the introverts in the congregation especially. Trust me when I say, I hear you introverts – I am an introvert at heart as well.

And yet, when we move to worship in the round, where we can see one another’s faces, saying our prayers within this beloved community, admittedly, there is a level of vulnerability that I am asking you all to share in. It’s a vulnerability that I take on every time I step into that pulpit – trusting the Spirit to guide, to lift up, to speak and to care for all in the midst of worship.

I invite you to consider what it means to be noticed, seen, acknowledged, as beloved and what it means for you to be that naming, acknowledging, noticing, kind, loving face for someone else as we worship in the round? Allow yourself to wonder what a gift, a blessing, and a treasure it is that we get to share as the Body of Christ and that we get to share as the very real faces of Christ, here and now.

Wishing you a blessed and meaningful Lenten Season,

Pastor Kyle

February 09, 2024

Greetings LAUCC Friends,

Our experience in ordinary time will conclude this Sunday as we encounter Jesus and a couple of the disciples in the story of Jesus’ transfiguration according to Mark.

Then, on Ash Wednesday we begin our Lenten journey exploring the theme of “God Seeking Us, Us Seeking God.” During that service, I’ll offer ashes for us to remember that this is a time and a season of reflection, spiritual growth, and discerning where we can turn our hearts, minds, words and lives toward the embrace of the God who is Love.

Along the way, we’ll have conversations with characters throughout the Hebrew Bible and New Testaments about the ways that God seeks them, and they seek God.

Some of these stories may be new, some old friends, and some may offer some fresh perspectives on how our lives and theirs aren’t so different as we venture through this time together.

I hope you’ll join us on Sunday mornings, in-person or online, for our Ash Wednesday Service on February 14, the book study and the potlucks and even in conversation as we embark on this Lenten journey together – leading us to figure out where God is seeking us and where we are seeking God.

With Christ’s Peace,

Pastor Kyle

February 02, 2024

Greetings LAUCC Friends,

It is truly astonishing how quickly one season fades and another takes its place.

I was in Kohl’s on Saturday and as soon as I walked in I saw displays for both St. Patrick’s Day and Easter kitsch; meanwhile we haven’t even had Valentine’s Day yet!

Now speaking for the church year – or the liturgical calendar (if you want to get ecclesiological) technically we’re still in the season of Epiphany – celebrating the magi and their visit to the Christ child. And I’ve been thinking about Ash Wednesday and Lent since probably the day after Christmas. It doesn’t escape me, the reality that we’re always looking ahead to what comes next.

We’re always preparing for the next present moment. Though I wonder, how often are we actually present in the present moment if we’re always preparing for the next one?

Lent is a time to slow down, at least spiritually. To pause, examine, reflect and pray on where we are on our journeys; where we are in our relationships with God? Where are the places we could use some strengthening, support, care, healing? Where are the places we ought to be seeking God more than we are seeking ourselves?

This coming Lent – even as we look ahead – we prepare our hearts to hear words from scripture about the ways that God seeks us, some ways we can seek God and the places where those paths meet.

With Christ’s Peace,

Pastor Kyle

January 26, 2024

Greetings LAUCC Friends,

This Sunday, we gather as the church. I suppose that goes without saying, but hear me out – we gather as a church to support the ministry and the administration of the church.

In worship we’ll hear some important reminders about just what the work of ministry – and quite frankly our lives really means. Then immediately following worship – we will meet for our annual meeting.

The annual meeting is a place to hear from some of our leaders, to hear our budget for the upcoming year, to ask questions and to vote so we can share our and share in our ministries this year.

We will also recognize the gifts, talents and ministry of our leaders. We will give thanks to those who are stepping down from the Leadership Council as well as welcome and install our new Leadership Council members.

We need you, as members of the church, that you join us in helping us make this upcoming year possible. As vital members not just of the congregation but of our community, please join us this Sunday for our annual meeting.

If you have any questions leading up to the meeting, please don’t hesitate to reach out to myself or any members of the Leadership Council.

With Christ’s Peace,

Pastor Kyle

January 19, 2024

Greetings LAUCC Friends,

Have you ever heard a great story? One that moved you – to laughter, to tears, to anger, to worry and concern or a deep stirring in your spirit?

What was that story? Why is it that story? If you had to recount it to someone else, how would you describe it?

These great stories tell us something about the experience of encounter – particular stories that we feel deep in our core, hold onto tight and carry with us throughout our lives.

We encounter stories in some real, visceral, deeply emotional and spiritual ways – stories that move us, shake us, they overwhelm us and they become part of us for some inexplicable reason and others reveal themselves when the time is right.

Though there is usually more to the story.

Because when we hear or read a story, we are invited to think about the storyteller, into this conversation of sorts. We encounter their journeys. We hear, feel, see, sense the inspiration, passions and maybe even the very lives of the storytellers’ expressed through, woven into the voices of the characters, the events, the emotions, the settings envisioned, the history, culture and social norms of the day, the facial expressions and responses described.

And we realize, there is more to the story. So much more.

This week, we will be focusing on a couple of parables from Jesus in Mark’s Gospel. We’ll be hearing some stories, spoken from a very specific point of view and yet with a particular intention to help those in Jesus’ day understand their unique faith journeys and stories that continue to help us understand, discern, reflect on as we continue to share in God’s greater and ever-unfolding story.

Blessings to you this weekend,

Pastor Kyle

January 12, 2024

Greetings LAUCC Friends,

When was the last time you said out loud, “I am a beloved child of God”?

Like, audibly out loud, like out loud to the point where if you were with someone, they could hear you?

How did that feel? How would you describe the experience to someone else?

Now, if you haven’t said the words, “I am a beloved child of God” out loud recently – why not? Is something holding you back? Does something inside believe it’s not true? Or have you honestly just not felt the need to say the words?

This Sunday, we’ll be spending some time hearing about Jesus’ baptism in Mark’s Gospel. We’ll also have a time during worship where we remember our baptisms.

During this baptismal remembrance, you will be invited to come forward, dip your fingers into a bowl of water, splash your forehead and invited to say the words, “I am a beloved child of God”; just as we remember how God in the vision of the Holy Spirit uttered those very words to Jesus.

You are then invited to reflect on how these words feel when spoken aloud. What stirs in your heart? And even more broadly, why might it be important that we say the words to ourselves, and hear these words as a community of faith?

With Christ’s Peace,

Pastor Kyle

January 05, 2024

Greetings LAUCC Friends,

I hope you all had a safe and Happy New Year!

As we approach Epiphany – the day in the Christian calendar where we commemorate the visit of the magi to the Christ child with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.

I can’t help but think about Jesus – who would have been around 2 years old probably when the magi arrived, and I also think about Mary who would have received these gifts on Jesus’ behalf. I wonder what was going through her mind? Did she know what these gifts meant? Apart from some rather grim practical applications?

Did she wonder, as the mother of a young child, “what on earth am I supposed to do with these?” Or, was she deeply moved by these strangers who had traveled so far, affirming what she had been told by the angel before Jesus was born?

And practically speaking, what did she do with the gifts after the magi left? I mean, there’s a lot of unanswered questions here.

These questions don’t scare me off, rather, these questions lead me down the rabbit hole of wonder.

Have you ever received a gift that you’ve had to think long and hard about why this trinket, this baked good, this playlist made someone think of you? Have you ever put it somewhere off to the side, out of the way, only to figure out some time later what it actually meant and why someone might have given this to you? Maybe you currently have some gifts resting somewhere safe and secure that might be worth revisiting and reflecting on…

In the process of reflecting, I invite you to consider these questions: what did you discover about the relationship, the person who gave the gift or yourself in the process? Have these gifts offered some wisdom or insight into who you were becoming, not just who you were in that moment? Have the gifts said more about who you were at the point on the journey? Or perhaps, could they have even been a little prophetic as to who you would become?

Happy Epiphany!

Pastor Kyle

December 29, 2023

Greetings LAUCC Friends,

What a whirlwind of a season it has been! Have you all slept? Rested? Finished up traveling or even started putting away your decorations?

As we take a breather from the busyness of the season and once we feel we have rested – we remember that while the work of the holiday season might be over, the work of Christmas is far from done. We begin looking for ways we can actively bring hope, peace, joy and love into the world – and then we look for ways to do those things.

And, as we do the work of Christmas – we give thanks for the ability to love and care for others as God has loved and cared for us.

Christmas Blessings to you, your families and friends,

Pastor Kyle

December 22, 2023

Greetings LAUCC Friends,

Well that was a thing that happened huh? Christmas is here! Family is in town, or we’re getting ready to travel. We’re trying to navigate holiday breaks and soon Christmas will be over…but will it though?

I realize it’s easy to breathe a sigh of relief when the parties are all done, presents are unwrapped and being enjoyed, meals are cooked and the dishes are finally done. And so often, that is cause for a sigh of relief, a pause, and sitting for a spell on the couch. And I don’t blame you or shame you at all for taking that well-deserved nap.

I think about how we conclude our worship service with “Silent Night” – where the “weary world rejoices…” and the world itself takes a breath as though in sync with the first breaths of the newborn Christ. And much like the infant Jesus, the world responds with a cry, being overwhelmed by all of the new sensations of being alive, eventually to calm, and pause and breathe and rest – surrounded by so much love.

So too we take a moment from the chaos of the journey, the busyness of what has led to this moment, and we pause and we breathe and we remember how much love surrounds us and the world.

(This is your cue to breathe and reflect on all of the love that surrounds you before reading on…)

Then, after we have paused – we start out again, embarking on a journey of learning, growing, caring and being cared for, of nurturing, sustaining and most of all surrounding the world with as much love as God did that holy night and much as God does with each of us to this day.

I pray you a peaceful, restful Christmas Eve surrounded by so much love.

And I pray that when you have rested and are ready to embark on the journey once more, may you go boisterously forth ready to live out God’s hope, peace, love and joy each and every step of the way.

Christmas Blessings to you, your families and friends,

Pastor Kyle

December 15, 2023

Greetings LAUCC Friends,

Christmas is just over a week away and the rush, buzz, busy of the season has caught up to many of us I’m sure. Los Altos is no exception!

We have had some wonderfully meaningful and powerful Monday Potluck discussions, our Blue Christmas service was meaningful and provided space for folks just feeling the challenges of the season. I’m grateful for Pastor Susie, Pastor Sam and Pastor Petra from our sibling UCC churches who gathered to help lead the service. And we are gearing up for our Christmas pageant and late night Christmas Eve service.

I do just want to make one note, that unfortunately I have been under the weather the past couple of days and think it best to postpone the Christmas Open House at the parsonage.

Instead, it will be Friday, December 22 from 6pm-8pm.

We are very much looking forward to having you all over and celebrating this season.

THIS SUNDAY – Christmas Cantata

Sunday, December 17th – join us as our choir performs a wonderful, spirit-filled performance celebrating the wonder and hope that this Advent season has to offer! All are welcome and invite your friends!

Advent Potlucks

Join us for our last potluck on December 18 from 6:30-8pm

If you can bring a dish or food item to share, please do, if not, that’s okay too. Either way join us for a time of gathering as we prepare for Christmas!

Christmas Eve Services

10am – 4th Sunday of Advent and Christmas Pageant

11:15pm – Lessons, Carols and Candlelight

We hope you’ll join us this season!

With Advent blessings of Hope, Peace, Joy and Love,

Pastor Kyle

December 08, 2023

Greetings LAUCC Friends,

Advent is here! That means we have just a few short weeks until Christmas is here! But first, we enter a time of hoping and waiting; preparing ourselves for the promises of God’s peace, joy, courage and love made incarnate through the life, ministry and legacy of Jesus.

You can click on the link here for a flyer of all the different special events and services we have going on this season!

We’ve also highlighted a few specific upcoming events below:

Christmas Pageant Rehearsal!

Sunday, October 10th during Sunday School

We’ll also meet at 9am on Sunday, December 24th before worship!

Christmas Open House @ the Parsonage

Friday, December 15 from 6pm-8pm

You are invited to an open house at the parsonage that Ken and I will be hosting – please contact me for the address.

You don’t need to bring anything – though if you would like to bring a plate of cookies or treats to share – you’re more than welcome.

We’ll have soda, juice, coffee and tea available for beverages and light finger foods for snacking.

Advent Potlucks

This year, we’ll be journeying through a study entitled, “An Unlikely Advent” by Rachel Billups where we’ll look at some of the lesser focused on characters in the Advent story – learning about who they are, why they matter and how we might see our own stories through theirs.

We’ll meet on:

Mondays, December 11 & 18 from 6:30-8pm

If you can bring a dish or food item to share, please do, if not, that’s okay too. Either way join us for a time of gathering as we prepare for Christmas!

Blue Christmas Service

Wednesday, December 13 at 7pm

We hold time and space for prayer, reflection and meditation as we acknowledge that sometimes this isn’t “the most wonderful time of year”.

If you are finding this holiday season to be challenging – emotionally, mentally or spiritually, or you know someone who is – please join us, invite your friends and family and maybe even offer to go with them as a way to support your beloveds through this difficult time.

Christmas Cantata

Sunday, December 17th – join us as our choir performs a wonderful, spirit-filled performance celebrating the wonder and hope that this Advent season has to offer! All are welcome and invite your friends!

Christmas Eve Services

10am – 4th Sunday of Advent and Christmas Pageant

11:15pm – Lessons, Carols and Candlelight

We hope you’ll join us this season!

With Advent blessings of Hope, Peace, Joy and Love,

Pastor Kyle

December 01, 2023

Greetings LAUCC Friends,

Advent is here! That means we have just a few short weeks until Christmas is here! But first, we enter a time of hoping and waiting; preparing ourselves for the promises of God’s peace, joy, courage and love made incarnate through the life, ministry and legacy of Jesus.

You can click on the link here for a flier of all the different special events and services we have going on this season!

We’ve also highlighted a few specific upcoming events below:

Beach Communion

Sunday, December 3 at 7:30am – we’ll meet for a brief communion service on the beach at LaVerne and Ocean Blvd. Bring what you need to be comfortable as we pray, hold silence and listen to the sounds of the ocean and begin the Advent season

Hanging of the Greens

This Sunday at 10am – we’ll learn about the symbols we often see around this time of year. What they mean for us in this season of Advent as we prepare for Christmas.

Advent Potlucks

This year, we’ll be journeying through a study entitled, “An Unlikely Advent” by Rachel Billups where we’ll look at some of the lesser focused on characters in the Advent story – learning about who they are, why they matter and how we might see our own stories through theirs.

We’ll meet on:

Mondays, December 4, 11 & 18 from 6:30-8pm

If you can bring a dish or food item to share, please do, if not, that’s okay too. Either way join us for a time of gathering as we prepare for Christmas!

Blue Christmas Service

Wednesday, December 13 at 7pm

We hold time and space for prayer, reflection and meditation as we acknowledge that sometimes this isn’t “the most wonderful time of year”.

If you are finding this holiday season to be challenging – emotionally, mentally or spiritually, or you know someone who is – please join us, invite your friends and family and maybe even offer to go with them as a way to support your beloveds through this difficult time.

Christmas Cantata

Sunday, December 17th – join us as our choir performs a wonderful, spirit-filled performance celebrating the wonder and hope that this Advent season has to offer! All are welcome and invite your friends!

Christmas Eve Services

10am – 4th Sunday of Advent and Christmas Pageant

11:15pm – Lessons, Carols and Candlelight

We hope you’ll join us this season!

With Advent blessings of Hope, Peace, Joy and Love,

Pastor Kyle

November 22, 2023

Greetings LAUCC Friends,

As we enter this thanksgiving season we give thanks for beloveds – family and friends, for our communities, for health, wellness, access to safe drinking water, food, shelter – we remember those who cannot or are struggling to find that same sense of security, access and peace of mind, body and spirit.

We at Los Altos are re-establishing a line, funded solely by designated gifts from special offerings for the purposes of providing emergency assistance to be distributed by the pastor. This Sunday will be the last dedicated Sunday to share your special offering that will go toward helping provide emergency assistance for food, utilities, rent, health emergencies.

Funds will be available as monies are available by referral from church members or local agencies only. The information will be held confidentially, with information shared on an as needed basis.

If you would like to make a gift this Sunday – please note online, on your check in the memo line or on the envelope that your gift is for “Emergency Assistance”. Though, please note you can donate to this fund at any time.

We recognize that it would be great if everyone had all that they needed, but we know these days, that just isn’t the case. The goal is for these funds to be used to help those in need – that our gifts, that our community may be a blessing in times of need. I will provide regular updates with the status of the fund.

I thank you and I know so many thank you in advance of your prayerful consideration of giving to this special ministry.

If you have any questions, my door is open – please don’t hesitate to ask.

Wishing you all a blessed, safe and peace-full thanksgiving,

Pastor Kyle

November 17, 2023

Greetings LAUCC Friends,

As we enter this thanksgiving season we give thanks for beloveds – family and friends, for our communities, for health, wellness, access to safe drinking water, food, shelter – we remember those who cannot or are struggling to find that same sense of security, access and peace of mind, body and spirit.

We at Los Altos are re-establishing a line, funded solely by designated gifts from special offerings for the purposes of providing emergency assistance to be distributed by the pastor. Over the next 2 Sundays – November 19 and 26, we will collect a special offering that will go toward helping provide emergency assistance for food, utilities, rent, health emergencies.

Funds will be available as monies are available by referral from church members or local agencies only. The information will be held confidentially, with information shared on an as needed basis.

If you would like to make a gift over the next two weeks – please note online, on your check in the memo line or on the envelope that your gift is for “Emergency Assistance”. Though, please note you can donate to this fund at any time.

We recognize that it would be great if everyone had all that they needed, but we know these days, that just isn’t the case. The goal is for these funds to be used to help those in need – that our gifts, that our community may be a blessing in times of need. I will provide regular updates with the status of the fund.

I thank you and I know so many thank you in advance of your prayerful consideration of giving to this special ministry.

If you have any questions, my door is open – please don’t hesitate to ask.

Wishing you all a blessed, safe and peace-full thanksgiving,

Pastor Kyle

November 10, 2023

Greetings LAUCC Friends,

“You all are in my prayers! Stay tuned for more next week!”

With Christ’s Peace,

Pastor Kyle

November 03, 2023

Greetings LAUCC Friends,

All Saints’ Day is a unique day for the life of the church, especially a UCC congregation.

In the UCC we really don’t have a common practice of venerating the saints – at least not in a formal way like other Christian traditions. Sometimes we just don’t know the language or it feels funny, like it’s seemingly fine line between worshiping saints as idols compared to venerating saints and worshiping God who acted through them. And sometimes the practice and traditions are uncomfortable, depending on our experiences with other Christianities that do venerate saints.

However, I’d guess with a strong degree of certainty that we do in fact venerate saints in our lives in some way, shape or form. The saints of and in our lives aren’t idols, but they can be viewed as expressions of God who lived amongst us, history and the world. When we look at our saints, or those we consider saintly in our lives or throughout history.

I wonder, who do you consider to be a saint or “saintly”? Then, what is about them that makes them so?

Do the saints in your life express things like: selflessness, loyalty, honesty, frankness, intelligence, commitment, concern for you, us and others? Maybe the saints in your life are incredibly generous? Did any of them seemingly perform miracles in your life or in the lives of others?

I invite you to reflect on some of those folks in your life. And really ask what is it about them that not only makes them special, but could even make them a saint?

As you remember these saints, give thanks for them; give thanks for the roles, influences and lasting impressions they had and have on your life. Pray for the love, generosity, healing, and even the miracles you received from them. I also invite you to pray for yourself. Pray for tender hearts that remember the loss, that holds onto the sorrow and remember the joy you get in sharing their story with the world.

With Christ’s Peace,

Pastor Kyle

December 9, 2022

Greetings Los Altos Friends,

As we get ready for our third week of Advent – we focus on the theme of joy. On Sunday we’ll be celebrating Cindy with joy, we’ll be hearing scriptures about the prophecies foretold of one who will bring great joy, and Mary names the joy she feels knowing that God has chosen her for such an incredible purpose.

So I wonder, what is joy? How would you describe it? How do you know that it’s joy you’re feeling? Does joy have something to do with being present in the moment, naming and laughing at the silly things that happen throughout the day?

Do you experience joy when you feel fulfilled in your life’s work? Or when you finally get to take a breath and pause to be present with God? Is there joy in parenting? Or grandparenting? Are there moments when you are acutely aware of God’s joy for and with you – with God as a kind of DJ playing your life’s songs, helping you to dance and celebrate the little victories?

Is joy a spiritual practice? Does joy feel like a spiritual practice? Is it something that we tend to, and consciously have to remind ourselves of, especially these days? I think it is a spiritual practice. And I think we need to be mindful of joy just as much as we need to be attentive to everything else we’re feeling.

This week, I invite you to look for joy, to find some ways to experience joy and to name that God-gifted joy. And start reflecting on what happens when you start paying attention to it.

Happy Advent!
Pastor Kyle

December 2, 2022

Greetings Los Altos Friends,

How are your Advent seasons going? Are they busy enough yet? Are you finding time to reflect on where you are finding and experiencing hope, peace, joy and love?

A little bit about how it’s going here at the church –
Our first potluck went off without a hitch! We had 8 LAUCCers come together for a wonderful meal, fellowship and discussion together. We hope to see even more next Monday! And if there are any dietary restrictions or needs – please let me know so we can make sure there’s something for everyone!

Rehearsals will begin for our Christmas Even Pageant on Sunday, December 11 during Sunday School time.

We look forward to spending time in prayer and meditation with our sibling UCC congregations for our Blue Christmas service on December 14 at 7pm.

Our choir is working hard on a great Cantata program for Sunday, December 18th. There will not be any Sunday School that morning so all ages can enjoy the wonderful music!

With so many exciting opportunities coming up to participate, to give, to share presence and presents, I invite you to please take some time to really read through this month’s newsletter. Please ask questions if you have them, call the office for information, or email me or call 562-596-6718

With Christ’s Hope, Peace, Joy and Love this Advent Season,
Pastor Kyle

November 25, 2022

Greetings Los Altos Friends,

And so we begin to retell the story of how God’s Love became incarnate and lived and breathed, and walked, and slept, and ate among us that we might know that nothing can separate us from God’s love.

As we enter into this holy season of reflection, of gratitude, of celebrating and offering our gifts – we have some opportunities to spend time together in ways that we haven’t been able to for the past couple of Christmases.

This Sunday, November 27 – we’ll kick off the season with a multigenerational “Hanging of the Greens” Service.

Monday, November 28 from 6:30pm-8pm will be our first of 3 Monday potlucks with a video study called “Wait Training” – which will have some interesting interviews, and questions for conversation as well as a good bit of fellowship.

On December 14, we will be hosting a Blue Christmas Service that will be led by not just us, but folks from several of our neighboring UCC congregations.

Then, on December 18, our choir will lead us in scripture and song through the cantata, “One Noel”.

And last, but certainly not least, we’ll have 2 services on Christmas Eve – a 4pm family service and an 11pm (more) traditional Lessons and Carols service.

Oh, and we have been invited to join Community Congregational at 3pm on Christmas Eve for their service as well.

We have so much to look forward to this Advent Season and we hope that you will join us as we discover and discern the places where God is still speaking through hope, peace, joy and love.

(I think that covers everything? – Leadership, Music, Congregation, if I missed anything, please let me know)

With Christ’s Hope, Peace, Joy and Love this Advent Season,

Pastor Kyle

November 18, 2022

Greetings Los Altos Friends,

I know we’re swiftly approaching a year together and a year in California. It’s crazy to think how fast time has gone. And one thing I’ve noticed is that every time we drive down Ximeno toward 2nd street to then pick up Ocean Blvd. and as I start to see the palm tree lined streets, I can feel my spirit move within me almost viscerally. My heart relaxes and I smell, hear, sense and taste the ocean in the air.

I begin to relax into a state of gratitude for the ability to wander to the water’s edge, bask in its wonder as my heart gives thanks for the water, the waves and all of life’s blessings. Being in that place refreshes my spirit and feeds my soul as I give thanks for all of it; though it reminds me, I should probably find time and space every day to give thanks…not just at the beach.

Gratitude is a spiritual practice and a spiritual discipline; one that takes conscious and conscientious effort. It’s a practice that takes time and intention to develop. When practiced consistently, it can help focus our energies on what really matters and maybe even translate into how we live our lives. Maybe our gratitude shows itself in grace and mercy toward and with others, maybe through generosity, acts of kindness, the possibilities are endless.

As Thanksgiving swiftly approaches, we take time to reflect on what we are thankful for, celebrating all of life’s myriad blessings and discern ways to express that gratitude.

So, what are you thankful for? How do you want to live out that thankfulness? And how are you going to live out and into that thankfulness?

With Christ’s Peace,
Pastor Kyle

November 11, 2022

Greetings Los Altos Friends,

I know Thanksgiving is right around the corner, but sooner after that Advent begins!

We will be kicking off Advent on Sunday, November 27 with a “Hanging of the Greens Service”. We’ll learn more about the symbols of the holly and the ivy, poinsettias, even the Christmas Tree and why they are important for us during this time of year.

Then Mondays – 11/28, 12/5 and 12/12 from 6:30-8pm we’ll have a potluck and video study and discussion called “Wait Training” at the church.

Wednesday, December 14th at 7pm will be a Blue Christmas Service. Blue Christmas is a service for those whom this isn’t the most wonderful time of year.

Sunday, December 18 the choir will share their talents with the cantata, “One Noel: Sing the Song of Christmas”.

THEN on Christmas Eve we will have a 4pm Family Service and an 11pm (more) traditional Lessons and Carols Candlelight service.

Finally, we will NOT gather at LAUCC on Christmas Day – rather I will reshare the Christmas Eve Candlelight Service and say hello to those who want to watch together at 10am from wherever we may be.

With Christ’s Peace,
Pastor Kyle

November 4, 2022

Greetings Los Altos Friends,

This Sunday I will be wearing a stole made by Rev. Mitchell Young’s wife, Nitaya Luckanavonaporn Young and gifted by him and his congregation at Montebello Plymouth Congregational Church; and made with fabric purchased here in California.

The print on the stole is in celebration of Día de Los Muertos with a rainbow skull design.

Gifted with the stole was information on Día de Los Muertos or Día de Muertos, which I share with you now:

“The Day of the Dead is a Mexican holiday celebrated throughout Mexico, in particular the Central and South regions, and by people of Mexican ancestry living in other places, especially the United States. The multi-day holiday focuses on gatherings of family and friends to pray for and remember friends and family members who have died, and help support their spiritual journey.”

“Scholars trace the origins of the modern Mexican holiday to indigenous observances dating back hundreds of years and to an Aztec festival dedicated to the goddess Mictecacihuatl. The holiday has spread throughout the world, being absorbed into other deep traditions in honor of the dead. It has become a national symbol and as such is taught (for educational purposes) in the nation’s schools.

The Mexican Day of the Dead celebration is similar to other societies’ observances of a time to honor the dead. The Spanish tradition, for instance, includes festivals and parades, as well as gatherings of families at cemeteries to pray for their deceased loved ones at the end of the day.”

So as we remember our saints this Sunday, we remember the traditions of remembering all those who have gone before in our communities and our world.

With Christ’s Peace,
Pastor Kyle

October 28, 2022

Greetings Los Altos Friends,

It’s always helpful to be reminded, even for myself that there are other ways of doing things. A while ago Billie Grace sent me a version of the Lord’s Prayer translated directly from the Aramaic into the English.

This translated version goes like this:

O Cosmic Birther of all radiance and vibration, soften the ground of our being and carve out a space within us where your Presence can abide. Fill us with your creativity so that we may be empowered to bear the fruit of your mission. Let each of our actions bear fruit in accordance with our desire. Endow us with the wisdom to produce and share what each being needs to grow and flourish. Untie the tangled threads of destiny that bind us, as we release others from the entanglement of past mistakes. Do not let us be seduced by that which would divert us from our true purpose, but illuminate the opportunities of the present moment. For you are the ground and the fruitful vision, the birth, power, and fulfillment, as all is gathered and made whole once again. And so it is!

Hearing, and praying these words differently than the way we’re used to can be refreshing, disconcerting, thought provoking, insightful, troublesome, disruptive, and all of these things simultaneously. Hearing a different way of something so familiar can be fraught with complexity that takes us away from routines and allows us to experience something different that could be just not for us, or it could be wonderful.

I’m pretty sure it was my neutral pulpit weekend where I learned that the church would be moving from pews to chairs. I was so excited to hear this because it meant there was going to be some opportunity, possibility, potential and imagination built into the worship space.

We’ve seen that imagination and potential already. In our early days of returning back to the sanctuary, we adapted the space to ensure safety and so social distancing could be maintained. Back then, we created space because of need. Now, now, we get to be creative with the space because we want to be.

As I mentioned during worship last Sunday, for All Saints’ we’re looking at some new configurations of the sanctuary. Given the tenor of the day, it feels important to face one another during worship. I hope that this reconfiguration of the sanctuary will help provide the spatial and spiritual awareness in a more literal way that we are lifted up by the congregation as we lift up those who have gone before.

I’m also hopeful that as we change seasons just a few short weeks later, that we’ll try this new or a new configuration for the Advent Season. But for now, let’s try it for a Sunday, and see what happens…

Much like with The Lord’s Prayer, we have some opportunities to intentionally disrupt (in a positive way) the flow of the familiar in our worship space. We get the opportunity to play, imagine, explore and make meaning out of our worship on Sunday mornings; discerning how we as a congregation experience the Divine together and then maybe even share that experience with others!

I hope you’ll join us for these new adventures.

With Christ’s Peace,

Pastor Kyle

October 21, 2022

Greetings Los Altos Friends,

Ummm…where did October go? September for that matter?

There are times when life seems to happen at a snail’s pace. And then there are other times where we blink and a month has passed by, or perhaps even years. And we get caught in the rhythm of the music propelling us forward whether we want it to or not.

Around here, our stewardship season will be kicking off soon, All Saints’ Sunday, thanksgiving, and in just over a month, Advent starts and before long with Monday night potlucks, the Cantata, a Blue Christmas Service and then Christmas will be here.

This is one of those seasons that I’m pretty sure will be gone in the blink of an eye. Knowing this may be the case, I invite you to try to find some time to slow down, if not pause; allow yourself to breathe and be present to, with and for all that is going on and all those around us. And know that we will be working on this spiritual practice of presence as well.

We hope you’ll share this time with us.

With Christ’s peace in these busy days,

Pastor Kyle

October 14, 2022

Greetings Los Altos Friends,

Revisiting our Lenten book study, Barbara Brown Taylor talks about the spiritual life stages from James Fowler’s “Stages of Faith”, published back in 1981 in her book, Learning to Walk in the Dark, and she describes Fowler’s “stages of faith” like this:

“the fantasy-filled, imitative faith of early childhood, followed by the more literal faith of schoolchildren; then the conventional faith of adolescence, largely inherited, followed by the individuated faith of young adulthood.”

Brown Taylor says that there are stages beyond these as well.

What we get out of this description is a broad understanding of how faith takes shape. I also recognize that this is from 1981 and our culture has changed pretty radically in the ways that people not only experience faith, spirituality and religion – but even how people encounter faith. We have access to instant knowledge and places of worship both physical and meta-spaces abound. People can access any type of spirituality at any given moment and people don’t engage with specific faith communities here in the US the way they used to. I’d be curious as to how age-specific/age-relevant these spiritual stages are some 40 years later.

That being said, if you eliminate the age categories and identify them alphabetically or numerically, this outline can help us get a sense of where we might be on the journey and perhaps, where we’d like to go. For reflection, if you were to look at this as 5 different stages of faith, which feels the most honest for you: are you in the fantasy-filled, imitative faith? More of a literal faith? Conventional/practical faith? Or do you feel like your path is pretty uniquely your own? Or are you ready to develop a deeper spirituality beyond these stages?

If you’d like to talk about these stages further, please let me know or if you’d just like to talk about where you are on your journey, let’s set up a time to talk.

With Christ’s peace,

Pastor Kyle

October 7, 2022

Greetings Los Altos Friends,

It’s been a few weeks already since our mission statement retreat. Thank you to all who participated both in-person and through the survey!

Please know the online survey is still open as we want as much feedback as possible so our mission statement can reflect who we are as a whole, who God has called us to be and how we do and will serve God in the world.

You can find the link to the survey here:

Along with that, here are the top 5 words used to describe Los Altos UCC from the visioning retreat: Accepting, Welcoming, Music, Caring/Family

What do you think of this list? Are there others?

One of the other questions is: what comes next? My hope is that more will respond to the survey, then we can identify a couple of people that are willing to work on re-developing, re-writing, re-working our mission statement. What that entails can be explained more later. Know that it will be a meaningful process that will take time, and it should, and that’s okay. I invite you to listen to your heart and see if this is a call God is asking you to answer.

At the very least, I invite you to consider, pray over, reflect on and share with someone your thoughts about this experience I had following the retreat:

Someone asked, “if we were to have conversations with other LAUCCers who weren’t at the retreat, what question could we ask/say?”

I said, “I think the question we can ask that will help direct us, help us to understand what people want for, hope for this community is “What dream do you have for Los Altos UCC?”” Now, I would add a follow up question, “How can you help make that dream of yours a reality?”

If you have any questions about our mission statement, discerning your call to serve LAUCC in this way, or even have a response to what your dream for LAUCC is – please connect, email, call, we can meet for coffee.

With Christ’s peace,

Pastor Kyle